Infrastructure And Learning Resources

Infrastructure And Learning Resources

The College has a sprawling campus of 10,186 sq meter of which 2,594 sq meter is used for building & infrastructure leaving 75% of open space for outdoor activities with state of the art infrastructure to provide an effective teaching-learning environment.

Institution Infrastructure Details

Sr.No.   No of Room Leng th  in meter Breadt h in meter Total Sq. Meter Total Sq. Ft. Remar ks
1 Class Room for every 50 students 2 13.00 7.33 95.23 1025 Each Approx
2 Class room 6 8.07 4.87 39.3 400 Each Approx
3 Multipurpose Hall 2000 Sq. Ft. 1 14.75 7.31 107.92 1200 Approx
4 Library-cum-Reading Room 1 14.08 7.02 98.84 1100 Approx
5 Computer Room / Educational Technology (ET) 1 8.07 4.87 39.13 500 Approx
6 Curriculum Laboratory 1 1.52 1.52 2.31 25 Approx
7 Art and craft Resource Centre 1 7.31 7.31 53.44 600 Approx
8 Health & Physical Education Resource Centre (including Yoga Education) 1 7.31 7.31 53.44 600 Approx
9 Principal Office 1 4.31 4.82 20.77 225 Approx
10 Staff Room 1 4.03 8.38 37.17 400 Approx
11 Administrative Office 1 3.79 4.85 18.58 200 Approx
12 Visitor’s Room 1 8.07 4.87 39.30 400 Approx
13 Boys Common Room NA       -  
14 Girls Common Room 1 7.2 4.72 33.98 400 Approx
15 Seminar Room 1 13.00 7.33 95.23 1025 Approx
16 Canteen 1     334.57 3600 Shared with our degree colleges
17 Science Lab 1 12.10 4.72 57.11 600 Approx
  Toilets- Male - - - - -  
18 Toilets – Female 4 7.2 4.72 33.98 400 Approx
19 Toilets – Staff Male 1 1.2 1.2 1.44 15 Approx
A Toilets- Staff- female 3 7.2 4.72 33.98 400 Approx
B Toilets- for PWD 1 1.52 1.52 2.31 25 Approx
C Parking Space 1       In campus  
D Store Room (One) 1 7.2 4.72 33.98 400  
20 Store Room(Two) 1 7.2 4.72 33.98 400  
21 Multipurpose Playfield 1     50000 538000 Shared with our degree colleges
22 Psychology lab 1 7.2 4.72 33.98 400  
23 Any other Room/Hall            
24 Open Space for Additional Accommodations       2000 21520  
25 a) Total Area of Library       102.19- 1100  
  b) Reading Room                       102.19 1100 50

Infrastructure Maintenance

Institution Photo Gallery