Maintenance and Management

Maintenance and Management

The institution has well-established system and procedure for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities. It oversees the maintenance of laboratories, library, sports complex, computers and classrooms to ensure the effective utilization of physical, academic and support facilities through the following ways;

  1. The management takes care of all the assets of the institution. It coordinates through faculty, administrative staff, assistants and technicians.
  2. The management undertakes annual maintenance and periodical works on a regular and contract basis.
  3. All the laboratories are maintained by the responsible staff members and technical assistants under the supervision of the concerned staff.
  4. All the facilities are maintained by keeping attendance register, stock register and breakage register and periodic supervision.
  5. The students are allowed to work in the laboratories under the proper supervision of teacher.
  6. Work areas are kept clean and neat and work surfaces are cleaned at the end of each laboratory activity.
  7. The students are responsible for the equipment issued to them.
  8. Materials and apparatus in the laboratory should be utilized ethically under the supervision of the faculty. All the students should handle the apparatus with utmost care.
  9. The routine activities of the library are managed by the librarian with the help of library assistants.
  10. The library is sem- automated ;it has e-granthalaya. It has Student entry register, Accession register for books & Periodicals register to maintain physical and academic facilities in the library. E.Granthalaya is in place & stock verification is done annaually.
  11. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is utilized for searching books and catalog for reference separately.
  12. Bar-code system and book bank register are maintained for referring and lending books from the library.
  13. Sports equipments are maintained by keeping the stock register and supervision by the Director of Physical Education.
  14. Students should bring the required sports equipment and return them back properly.
  15. All the computers in the campus are monitored by the respective staff and technical assistants regularly.
  16. It is mandatory to enter student’s name in the log-in register.
  17. Students should be careful while operating the computers.
  18. The internet and LAN facilities are fully functional and are properly maintained and monitored by the concerned staff and technical assistants.
  19. Repair, up-gradation, purchase of hardware and software are maintained by the concerned staff expert and technical assistants.
  20. In case of any requirements, the concerned staff and technicians consult with the management and the needed requirements are procured promptly.
  21. All the classrooms are monitored by the principal and staff members regularly.
  22. CCTV surveillance is available for safeguarding the assets.
  23. The carpenter is available on campus at any time.
  24. Periodic painting, white washing, cleaning, plumbing, woodwork and civil works enhance the physical ambience of the infrastructure.