Students Code of Conduct :

All students must know that it is incumbent upon them to abide by this Code of Ethics and Conduct. If there is a case against a student for a possible breach of code of conduct, then a committee will be formed to recommend a suitable disciplinary action that shall inquire into the alleged violation and accordingly suggest the action to be taken against the said student.  The committee may meet with the student to ascertain the misconduct and suggest disciplinary actions based on the nature of misconduct.

   Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity which includes the following:

  1. Students must regularly attend lecture and practical classes. They shall put in a minimum attendance of 80% in all course work and practicum and 90% in school Internship activities each term and in each subject.
  2. Students must refrain from the act of lying, cheating, stealing, and using unauthorized materials on any assignment, quiz or exam.
  3. Students must refrain from allowing or facilitating copying, or writing a report or taking examination for someone else.
  4. In the classroom setting, students should not interrupt their classmates or professor, make fun of them or their expressed views, or disrupt the learning environment. Students are encouraged to engage in thoughtful and meaningful dialogue while refraining from acting or using language with malicious intent.
  5. Students should recognize that opportunities for carrying out any unsupervised tasks will vary with different programmes. They should only carry out an unsupervised task if they feel that they have the appropriate knowledge and skills to do so safely and effectively.
  6. Students should not indulge in plagiarism. Plagiarism means the use of material, ideas, figures, code or data as one’s own, without appropriately acknowledging the original source.
  7. Students should provide constructive feedback on the quality of teaching and learning experience in the college campus.
  8. Ragging is strictly prohibited in college campus. Ragging constitutes any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, mistreating or handling with rudeness any student. The students should be aware of Maharashtra Prohibition of Raggging Act, 1999 and should abide by it.
  9. Any student of the Institute aggrieved by any acts of sexual harassment, misconduct or ragging can approach the Student Grievance Redressal Cell of the college. Further, any student who is aware of any violations must report the same to the Cell.
  10. Students should respect all persons including other students, support staff and teaching staff and their rights as well as safety.
  11. All students must deter from indulging in any and all forms of misconduct including partaking in any activity off-campus which can affect the college’s interests and reputation substantially.
  12. The various forms of misconduct include:

Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, or sexual orientation, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, etc. Intentionally damaging or destroying college property or property of other students and/or faculty members. Any disruptive activity in a class room or in an event sponsored by the college. Refusal to wear the identity card, issued by the college, or refusing to produce it on demand by campus security guards


  1. Participating in the following activities is prohibited:

 Organization of meetings and processions without permission from college authorities. Accepting membership of religious or terrorist groups banned by the Institute/Government of India. Smoking or consuming alcohol on campus. Use of mobile phones in the college campus, outside the permitted zone. Theft or unauthorized access to others resources. Students should read information displayed on college notice boards regularly. They shall not be granted any concession for any matter on the ground of ignorance due to their failure to read the notice.

  1. Students must follow the dress code appropriate to an educational institute. They must come to the college suitably cladded.