About Us

Vision, Mission & Core Values




Goals of the Institution

  • To prepare humane, creative, reflective and enlightened teachers as committed professionals in education
  • To make teaching learning as enjoyable experience
  • To emphasize on sound development of values and competence
    To take care of all-round development of every student teacher along with theoretical knowledge and practical teaching skills
  • To help the student teachers to discover their hidden talents and potentials
  • To prepare student teachers to face the challenges of globalization in today’s competitive world
  • To sensitize students to social and ecological issues
  • To provide quality education so as to empower the future teachers to be Outstanding Educators Researchers and Worthy Contributors to the improvement of education

Quality Policy

Core Values

  • To pursue excellence in teaching, learning, research, and administration through rigorous process of self-evaluation, accountability, and continuous improvement
  • To infuse a strong value system with emphasis on Integrity, Equality, Honesty, Perseverance, Discipline, Respect  for all, Ethics, and Service to Society and Nation
  • To develop scientific temper and professional competency amongst students by imparting research orientation, special skills, and contemporary knowledge
  • To instil sense of civic, social, ecological, and professional responsibility in students to ensure holistic growth and participation in National Development.
  • To promote the use of innovative and technology driven methods in all spheres of institutional functioning